Newcomer/RAEL Orientation Checklist



Induction programming is a best practices approach to Newcomer ESL/Recent Arriver English Learner (RAEL) education, as it acts as an essential framework for positive, integrated socio-academic participation.   These processes are a means of orientating the student to his or her new school surroundings. As an added component, Newcomer/Recent Arriver learners are introduced to essential concepts and understandings that are critical to success in a school-specific environment.   Guiding questions: 

  • Who welcomes students and parents as they enter the school?

  • Who is the first school contact for Newcomer families? The second?

  • How are new students and parents introduced to the school and its staff? Are these processes amended when working with Newcomer families?

  • How are all students, including Newcomers, made to feel welcomed and safe at school?

  • What type of record-keeping systems ensures that no students are overlooked in the orientation process?

Orientation systems can be complex or straightforward.  They can stem from the office staff; may include teachers, parents, and other students; or may originate at a Welcome Center site.  We’ll focus our energies for this chapter on a few simple strategies that have a demonstrated effectiveness and are easy to implement.  Then, if you’re interested in going further in developing your own orientation plan, I encourage you to visit the The Newcomer Student: An Educator’s Guide to Aid Transition.


Did you ever have to move schools when you were younger?  Or, what about that (huge) jump from the elementary grounds to the middle/high school campus?  Overwhelming, right? I remember the first time I visited my high school as a soon-to-be-ninth-grader. I was so convinced that I would never be able to find my classes.  Or my locker. Or my friends. I actually had nightmares about it.

And here’s the thing: I spoke English.  I’d been in American schools my entire life and enjoyed a network of peers, all scheduled to endure the transition with me.  Still, I was shaking in my boots.

For a moment, consider the experience of school transition from a Recent Arriver EL perspective.  We’re not talking about moving across town, or even from another state. Imagine that nothing is the same.  Nothing is predictable.  Everything is lost in a cloud of newness: language, mannerisms, climate, clothing, school.  How would you react in this situation?  What would you most wish for? What actions could a school take to help to ease your anxiety?

Let’s first examine the most critical aspects of school orientation.  As you read through the following checklist, some of items might seem erroneous.  That’s common sense.  Right- it’s common sense from our perspective, based on our own previous exposure to localized normative values.  But “normal” isn’t normal everywhere.  

Normal is a completely subjective concept.  

And so, it is important to practice viewing our school and classrooms with raw eyes.  We must remind ourselves that cultural misunderstandings are not a reflection of intelligence.  They are a reflection of vast world experience- and that’s a really cool thing! When I find myself in a cultural cross-tangle with one of my students, I like to ask my class: “Can you imagine if I visited your country?  Would I know how to do everything right away? Could I speak your language with your grandmother or cook sambusa as well as your father? Would I even be able to find my way to the market or to the school by myself?”  

This usually garners some laughter and a hearty conversation about how I wouldn’t even know that I was supposed to bow or kiss three times instead of shaking hands.  “Nooooo waayyy!” But, when I ask if they would help me to feel safe by teaching me the things I would need to know, my students all eagerly agree! Just taking a moment to recognize our students’ perspectives exposes our willingness to understand and relate to our students.  This kind of effort can really break ground and lead to trust building.  

Where can we anticipate questions, concerns or confusion?  Here are some starters!

Download a printable Google Doc of the Newcomer Family Orientation Checklist HERE.

Newcomer Family Orientation Checklist


☐ Layout and map of the school

☐ School hours

☐ Student course schedule

☐ Meals at school (cafeteria options, subsidized meal applications)

☐ School transportation

School Contact Information:

☐ Location and phone number of the main office

☐ Attendance line contact, if different

☐ Names and locations of key administrative personnel

☐ Name, location and contact information of teacher(s)

☐ Name and location of key resource personnel: nurse, ELD teacher, counselor, etc.


☐ Immunizations

☐ Attendance

☐ Dress code (including winter and gym attire)

☐ Homework

☐ Supplies

☐ Behavior & Discipline

☐ Health and Wellness

☐ Cell Phones

☐ Safety (Weapons, Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs)

☐ Field Trips

Student Participation:

☐ Co-ed learning expectations

☐ Sitting for long periods of time

☐ Carpet meetings/sitting on the floor (where applicable)

☐ Lining up as a class 

☐ Raising hand to speak

☐ Lockers (where applicable)

☐ Bell policy and tardiness

☐ Bathroom and hand washing routines

☐ Independent and group work routines

School-based Events:

☐ Back-to-School Night

☐ Report Cards 

☐ Parent Conferencing 

☐ Concerts

☐ School dances

☐ International Night, if applicable

Student Engagement: 

☐ Sports and Recreation 

☐ After School Tutoring

☐ Summer School

Parent Engagement: 

☐ Classroom volunteer opportunities

☐ Field trip volunteer opportunities

☐ Adult ESL

☐ Translation services

© The Newcomer Fieldbook, 2017

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Louise El Yaafouri Louise El Yaafouri

Clarifying Newcomer/RAEL Program Design

• Newcomer_RAEL •.png

Let’s break down some thoughts and areas of confusion around Newcomer/RAEL program design. In serving our new-to-English students, it’s important that our site-based model(s) of instruction truly reflect our student population and specific learning needs.

Clarifying Newcomer/RAEL Program Framework

ELL programming is not a homogeneous application.  In fact, there are many different channels to achieve the aim of targeted, accelerated academic language instruction.  It will be up to you and your key stakeholders to determine the mode or combination of modes that will best service your specific student population, school culture and available resources.

Both Newcomer or RAEL (Recent Arriver English Learner) initiatives are unique in that they are designated according to units of time.   Newcomer and RAEL programming, as defined by ESSA, is designed to serve new-to English speakers for up to two full semesters. After this interval, students are expected to transition into standard EL programming and/or traditional mainstream coursework for the duration of their school career (though even mainstreamed students may still be eligible to receive supplementary English support services).  

However, certain exceptions can be made for learners who demonstrate exceptional need.   If, after two semesters, a student is not making the appropriate academic progress toward language-based exit criteria- and if such evidence suggests that such gap would significantly impair a child's opportunity to fully participate and succeed in a mainstream learning environment- then he or she may be referred for additional Newcomer services.

Newcomer policy differs from general ELL services (such as ESL for Spanish speakers or ESL pull-out sessions for mainstreamed Newcomers), which are not time contingent.  General ELL programming is based on English language skill and ability level. As long as an identified English language learner evidences a need for continued skill-building in any of the four language domains (reading, writing, speaking, listening), he or she will remain eligible for these services.

Let’s take a look at the most common language service programs.  Be thinking about which services already exist on your campus, or which specific styles (or combinations) might be the best fit for your campus.

Note that the stated descriptors will widely from one state or district to another. However, the core elements of each program model should remain consistent.


Dual Language:  Learners are instructed in and encouraged to interact in both the heritage and the host language, with a goal of developing and maintaining proficiency in both.  ELA-S (Spanish) programs are the most prevalent form of dual language education in the U.S.





Transitional Bilingual:  Learners are initially instructed in and encouraged to interact both the heritage and host languages, with a goal of developing English proficiency and fully transitioning to mainstream programming.  In this way, the heritage language is slowly phased out as English language abilities increase.





Newcomer Programming:  Using Sheltered Instruction techniques and a range of socio-linguistic supports, learners are instructed in and encouraged to interact in English, with a goal of developing English proficiency and fully transitioning to mainstream programming.  Newcomer instruction may encompass other areas, including Western norms and values; trauma and shock mitigation; health and wellness protocol and additional parent-outreach efforts.





Tier 2 ELL/ESL Services:  Tier 2 Services enable eligible students to participate in Push-In/Pull-Out resources for English language development, with a goal of enhancing English language abilities after a child has been mainstreamed.  In Push-In settings, a language specialist will meet and work with the child in his or her classroom, while Pull-Out options call for students to leave the homeroom for established durations to work on language development in individual or small group contexts. Programs will vary by school design. 





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