Diverse Books Review Series- Wishes + Wherever I Go
A very special thanks to I’m Your Neighbor Books for making these texts available for review.
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Title: Wishes
by Mu’o’n Thi Van & Victo Ngai
Empathy is a pillar of social-emotional learning. And it’s more important now than at any other time in our collective history. Wishes, by Mu’o’on Thi Van is an experience in empathy and human connectedness from its first page to its last.
This powerful early reader grabs you in its first moments. Victor Ngai’s beautifully rich illustrations wrap the text in a blanket of emotional imagery.
The night wished it was quieter. The bag wished it was deeper.
The story illuminates the realities of human migration as it takes readers along a path of goodbyes, uncertainties, and ultimately, hope. The writing takes on the lens of various elements along the journey- the path that wished it was shorter, the boat that wished it was bigger, the heart that wished it was stronger.
Incredibly, Mu’o’on Thi Van makes tough content digestible for young readers, but that also leaves space for open-ended questions, critical text connections, and constructive upper-grade conversations.
I can simultaneously imagine this book as a first-grade read-aloud, as part of a second-grade lesson on personification, as the bones for a fourth-grade art study, as a middle school drama reconstruction, and as the foundation for a high school essay. And I’m definitely purchasing a copy for our children’s bookshelf at home.
Through its meticulously detailed artwork and profoundly simple text, Wishes is a very natural practice in empathy. It unassumingly invites readers to exercise muscles of understanding, connection, and inclusivity. For many young folks, I expect that it will also light a fire of curiosity, if not deliberate activism.
If you’re searching for a text that dives into the refugee experience while maintaining a lens on the human story, Wishes should be a first pick.
Title: Wherever I Go
by Mary Wagley Copp & Munir D. Mohammed
Wherever I Go is the anthem of young Abia, a queen by all accounts. Abia’s entire youth has occurred within the Shimelba refugee camp. However, this fact has nothing on the girl’s spirit.
Wherever I Go shines a light on what life in a refugee camp can be like. But despite glimpses of daily hardships- pumping and carrying water, of waiting in long lines for rice and oil, of caring for younger siblings- this isn’t a story of defeat. Indeed, Copp and Mohammed offer up characters full of dignity, strength, bravery, and optimism.
Munir Mohammed is a perfect fit for this book. His vibrantly colored full-page illustrations make me feel like I’m sitting across the mat from Abia’s parents myself, like Abia’s father, in particular, is someone I’ve known already. Simply stunning.
Eventually, the family prepares for their turn to come up for resettlement. And when we go, we’ll leave our belongings here- for others. That’s what Papa says. “Everything,” he adds. Mama says we’ll have our stories, though, wherever we go.
The book closes with Abia settled into her new life, somewhere on the other side of the ocean. At this point, however, the reader knows that with a spirit as tenacious as Abia’s, this queen’s story is far from over.
Copp and Mohammed invite readers to consider the main character’s pre and post-resettlement identity and do so in a way that is culturally affirmative. This lens highlights those threads that link both worlds- family, hope, perseverance, and the idea of home.
If you’re considering having students consider their own stories and what they take with them wherever they go, I can’t imagine a better starting point.
Newcomer/RAEL Orientation Checklist
Induction programming is a best practices approach to Newcomer ESL/Recent Arriver English Learner (RAEL) education, as it acts as an essential framework for positive, integrated socio-academic participation. These processes are a means of orientating the student to his or her new school surroundings. As an added component, Newcomer/Recent Arriver learners are introduced to essential concepts and understandings that are critical to success in a school-specific environment. Guiding questions:
Who welcomes students and parents as they enter the school?
Who is the first school contact for Newcomer families? The second?
How are new students and parents introduced to the school and its staff? Are these processes amended when working with Newcomer families?
How are all students, including Newcomers, made to feel welcomed and safe at school?
What type of record-keeping systems ensures that no students are overlooked in the orientation process?
Orientation systems can be complex or straightforward. They can stem from the office staff; may include teachers, parents, and other students; or may originate at a Welcome Center site. We’ll focus our energies for this chapter on a few simple strategies that have a demonstrated effectiveness and are easy to implement. Then, if you’re interested in going further in developing your own orientation plan, I encourage you to visit the The Newcomer Student: An Educator’s Guide to Aid Transition.
Did you ever have to move schools when you were younger? Or, what about that (huge) jump from the elementary grounds to the middle/high school campus? Overwhelming, right? I remember the first time I visited my high school as a soon-to-be-ninth-grader. I was so convinced that I would never be able to find my classes. Or my locker. Or my friends. I actually had nightmares about it.
And here’s the thing: I spoke English. I’d been in American schools my entire life and enjoyed a network of peers, all scheduled to endure the transition with me. Still, I was shaking in my boots.
For a moment, consider the experience of school transition from a Recent Arriver EL perspective. We’re not talking about moving across town, or even from another state. Imagine that nothing is the same. Nothing is predictable. Everything is lost in a cloud of newness: language, mannerisms, climate, clothing, school. How would you react in this situation? What would you most wish for? What actions could a school take to help to ease your anxiety?
Let’s first examine the most critical aspects of school orientation. As you read through the following checklist, some of items might seem erroneous. That’s common sense. Right- it’s common sense from our perspective, based on our own previous exposure to localized normative values. But “normal” isn’t normal everywhere.
Normal is a completely subjective concept.
And so, it is important to practice viewing our school and classrooms with raw eyes. We must remind ourselves that cultural misunderstandings are not a reflection of intelligence. They are a reflection of vast world experience- and that’s a really cool thing! When I find myself in a cultural cross-tangle with one of my students, I like to ask my class: “Can you imagine if I visited your country? Would I know how to do everything right away? Could I speak your language with your grandmother or cook sambusa as well as your father? Would I even be able to find my way to the market or to the school by myself?”
This usually garners some laughter and a hearty conversation about how I wouldn’t even know that I was supposed to bow or kiss three times instead of shaking hands. “Nooooo waayyy!” But, when I ask if they would help me to feel safe by teaching me the things I would need to know, my students all eagerly agree! Just taking a moment to recognize our students’ perspectives exposes our willingness to understand and relate to our students. This kind of effort can really break ground and lead to trust building.
Where can we anticipate questions, concerns or confusion? Here are some starters!
Download a printable Google Doc of the Newcomer Family Orientation Checklist HERE.
Newcomer Family Orientation Checklist
☐ Layout and map of the school
☐ School hours
☐ Student course schedule
☐ Meals at school (cafeteria options, subsidized meal applications)
☐ School transportation
School Contact Information:
☐ Location and phone number of the main office
☐ Attendance line contact, if different
☐ Names and locations of key administrative personnel
☐ Name, location and contact information of teacher(s)
☐ Name and location of key resource personnel: nurse, ELD teacher, counselor, etc.
☐ Immunizations
☐ Attendance
☐ Dress code (including winter and gym attire)
☐ Homework
☐ Supplies
☐ Behavior & Discipline
☐ Health and Wellness
☐ Cell Phones
☐ Safety (Weapons, Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs)
☐ Field Trips
Student Participation:
☐ Co-ed learning expectations
☐ Sitting for long periods of time
☐ Carpet meetings/sitting on the floor (where applicable)
☐ Lining up as a class
☐ Raising hand to speak
☐ Lockers (where applicable)
☐ Bell policy and tardiness
☐ Bathroom and hand washing routines
☐ Independent and group work routines
School-based Events:
☐ Back-to-School Night
☐ Report Cards
☐ Parent Conferencing
☐ Concerts
☐ School dances
☐ International Night, if applicable
Student Engagement:
☐ Sports and Recreation
☐ After School Tutoring
☐ Summer School
Parent Engagement:
☐ Classroom volunteer opportunities
☐ Field trip volunteer opportunities
☐ Adult ESL
☐ Translation services
© The Newcomer Fieldbook, 2017
Refugee 101, Part 5: Refugees as Assets
Refugees are important social and economic assets to the countries that they resettle to, including the United States. First, refugees are paying into our taxation systems. With that, they are also contributing to core programs like social security and Medicare, filling in critical gaps brought on by our aging U.S. population. Perhaps most significantly, refugee Americans are single-handedly rebuilding some of our most depressed neighborhoods and towns and adding new life to communities affected by attrition.
New Americans help keep our communities alive and prosperous. In a nine-year period, resettled refugees contributed nearly $41 billion in federal net fiscal benefits and $22 billion to their local economies. They are inclined to entrepreneurial efforts, too, surpassing other foreign-born populations in business start-ups and generating billions of dollars in taxable revenue. Additionally, new Americans bring with them new cuisine, fresh ideas and perspectives, language, art, music, entertainment, and athletic talents and professional expertise.
By and large, newcomers do well in school, too. Resettled refugees who arrive before the age of 14 are highly likely to graduate alongside their U.S. born peers. Those arriving before age 13 are more likely to graduate than traditional students.
Many refugee arrivals come to the U.S. with prior education, including college degrees. Often, these degrees do not transfer. Sometimes, formal documentation of a degree was left behind or cannot be verified because of existing disruption in the home country. Many others have expertise in a particular field or trade. With this in mind, the prior knowledge that resettled refugees bring with them is one of our greatest untapped resources.
Refugees can and do contribute to society in innumerable ways. We can be intentional in our willingness to learn from them, even as we empower them to learn, work, raise families, engage in civic opportunities and lead within our communities.
Excerpt from The Newcomer Student (Kreuzer-El Yaafouri, 2006):
“Resettlement is work. It requires effort, strength, patience, tolerance, and forgiveness. It requires embracing, learning, growing, and renewing. Refugees and immigrants, in the very global sense, face the shared task of renovating and reconstructing every element of the former life.
The vast majority of relocated refugees and immigrants will embrace the new country with fierce loyalty and determination to succeed. These individuals will go on to work, attend universities, build professions, purchase homes, raise children, and contribute to their communities and in most cases, obtain citizenship. They become Americans- by official decree, through day-to-day contributions to our society, or both.
Ultimately, each reality—refugee or immigrant—is yoked to separate and unique sets of resettlement implications, which can, in turn, affect education and learning. In any case, it is prudent to keep in mind that all Newcomers are capable of full and complex contributions to our own Western societies. Each of our students and student guardians has something meaningful to contribute to the academic welfare of students, and also the community at large.
Some individuals are capable of gifting real-world advice about human circumstance on a global level. Others share academic knowledge or industry insight. Many provide critical trade, labor, arts and service skills. Resettled refugees are statistically likely to make significant economic and civic contributions to their new communities. If we are effective in our role as educators, then we can also expect that our Newcomer students will grow to become positive, valued members of society.
In essence, all Newcomers hold the capacity to become the underwriters of language, history, community engagement, and heritage preservation; and this is at the very heart of the American spirit. All knowledge has a place. This is the main idea, the Big Picture, the most important thing.”
Columbus Council on World Affairs
Department of Health and Human Services, 2017
Eduskills, 2018
Foundation for Economic Education
Market Watch, 2018
National Immigration Forum, 2017
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2017
Refugee 101, Part 4: Active Resettlement
In the previous post, we introduced a framework for exploring refugee resettlement in three parts: international, national and local. We examined the international piece in closer detail. Here, we’ll provide an overview of the national and local components of refugee resettlement.
Refugee resettlement to America is based upon Presidential Determination, which is declared ahead of each fiscal year. Typically, the number of persons actually resettled is significantly less than the official ceiling. Prior to fiscal year 2018, the U.S. resettled approximately 2% of the world’s resettled refugee population.
Refugee resettlement to the United States has steadily declined since the 1980s. Even so, the U.S. has historically resettled more refugees than any other country. Over the last two years, however, U.S. intake has been sharply reduced. Today, America resettles fewer refugees that any of the 38 participating third-party resettlement countries.
In 2018, the refugee admissions ceiling was lowered to 45,000, though only 22,491 individuals were resettled into the U.S during that period. For fiscal year 2019, the ceiling was further reduced to just 30,000- the lowest since 1980’s passage of the Refugee Act.
It is important to note that the process of resettlement is a complex one. Resettlement to the United States, in particular, is an intense, thorough and often lengthy process. Of all categories of immigrants to America, refugees are the most rigorously screened and vetted.
1. The UNHCR identifies candidates and collects essential information. Candidates undergo an extensive interview and vetting process through the United Nations, in addition to a biometric screening and medical evaluation.
2. The few who are approved for resettlement are assigned to a third party country for consideration.
3. Candidates who are assigned U.S. resettlement are referred to a Resettlement Service Center, or RSC. The RSC creates a file for the applicant.
4. Candidates are subject to a vigorous screening process that includes multiple federal agencies, including the National Counter Terrorism Center, the FBI, The Department of Homeland Security and the State Department. If, at any point, an individual or family is determined to be a risk factor, the application process is ended.
5. The Department of Homeland Security conducts in-depth interviews with specially trained agents, and updated fingerprints are taken. Any inconsistencies result in the repetition of this step or a complete termination of the application process.
6. A full biometric screening and evaluation process is repeated, including fingerprinting and/or iris scanning.
7. The candidate undergoes a full medical evaluation. For those who fail the medical component, the process is terminated.
8. Candidates take part in cultural orientation programming to help prepare them for the transition. Non-government resettlement entities work to determine the best location for U.S. resettlement. The candidate does not choose his or her destination state or city.
9. Travel is organized and the candidate is subject to new security screenings.
10. He or she arrives in the United States and is greeted by a representative from the partnering resettlement agency. A new set of processes and chapters of learning begin.
From The Newcomer Student, “Many refugees come to the United States without any possessions and without knowing anyone. Other refugees come here to be reunited with family members. All refugees receive limited assistance from the U.S. government and localized non-profit organizations.
The United States, for instance, will provide initial haven transport for documented refugees. The commodity is received as a loan with an expected five-year repayment period. The government (or partnering nonprofit organization) will make provisional housing and job training/placement available. The receipt of this aid sets refugees apart from their immigrant peers, who do not receive any form of resettlement compensation or assistance from the U.S. government.”
Post-resettlement entities walk beside newly arrived refugees in achieving healthy resettlement outcomes. The Department of State partners with nine separate non-profit entities throughout the United States to coordinate refugee resettlement. These include: U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, International Rescue Committee, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC), HIAS, World Relief, Episcopal Migration Ministries, and Church World Service. The presence and concentration of partner organizations differs by region.
Resettled refugees do have certain requirements that they are expected to work toward post-resettlement. In addition to following the laws of our country, the must: attend English language courses, actively seek out employment (for adults) or attend school (as children). Resettled refugees are also expected to repay the U.S. government for the initial travel loan.
Resettlement agencies are also responsible for meeting certain objectives. Namely, they must greet the new families, secure initial housing, and aid with successful integration. Securing employment and preparing new arrivals to participate in the workforce is a primary goal.
Because integration is multi-faceted, each organization’s programming may differ slightly, so that it can be tailored to the unique populations it serves. Secondary services may include assistance in the areas of adult ESL, school enrollment, transportation, translation, credit counseling, physical and mental health care, nutrition and senior care.
Of course, it takes a village. Our communities rely upon an extensive, interwoven network of refugee network service providers to ensure successful integration for new Americans. Take a moment to identify and connect with the resettlement agencies (and partner organizations) that are active in your state, city or region. These groups can be invaluable resources to us as educators and help to make up the network of supports for our newcomer families.
American Immigration Council (2013). Located at americanimmgrationcouncil.org. Retrieved Oct. 2012.
Russell, Sharon Stanton (2002). Refugees: Risks and Challenges Worldwide. Migration Policy Institute, 1946–4037.
Hamilton, Richards & Moore, Dennis (2004). Education of Refugee Children: Documenting and Implementing Change. In Educational Interventions for Refugee Children, eds Richard Hamilton & Dennis Moore, London UK: RoutledgeFalmer, Chapter 8.
McBrien,J.Lynn(2003).A Second Chance for Refugee Students. Educational Leadership, Vol. 61, No. 2, 76–9 O. Educational Needs and Barriers for Refugee Students in the United States: A Review of Literature. Review of Educational Research Vol. 75, No. 3, 329–64.
United Nations, High Commissioner for Refugees (2012). United Nations Communications and Public Information Service, Geneva, Switzerland. Located at unhcr.org. Retrieved Aug. 2015.
Patrick, Erin (2004). The U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program. Migration Policy Institute, Washington, D.C. Located at migrationpolicy.org/article/us-refugee- resettlement-program. Retrieved Aug. 2015.
United Nations Convention related to the Status of Refugees (1951). UN Article 1. Located at unhcr.org. Retrieved June 2011.
International Refugee Committee (2015). SOAR, New York. Located at rescue. org. Retrieved Aug. 2015.
Van Hahn, Nguyen (2002). Annual Report to Congress- Executive Summary. Office of Refugee Resettlement. Located at acf.hhs.gov. Retrieved Dec. 2010.
Edwards, James R. Jr. (2012). Religious Agencies and Refugee Resettlement. Center for Immigration Studies. Memorandum, March 2012.
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (2012). United Nations Communications and Public Information Service, Geneva, Switzerland. Located at unhcr.org. Retrieved Aug. 2015.
U.S. Committee for Refugees & Immigrants (USCRI) (2015). Arlington, Va., refugees.org. Retrieved Aug. 2015.
U.S. Committee for Refugees & Immigrants (USCRI) (2015). Arlington, Va., refugees.org. Retrieved Aug. 2015.
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) (2013). Path to Citizenship. Located at uscis.gov. Retrieved Aug. 2015.
U.S. Committee for Refugees & Immigrants (USCRI) (2015). Arlington, Va. Located at refugees.org. Retrieved Aug. 2015.
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) (2013). Path to Citizenship. Located at uscis.gov. Retrieved Aug. 2014.
Refugee 101, Part 3: Pre-Resettlement
“En route to a place on our classroom rosters, the resettled refugee child will have coursed through an intricate system of relocation mechanisms and endured innumerable transformations. Refugee families often endure multiple relocations, endless interviews, and a myriad of mental and physical assessments on the path to resettlement. They might have also experienced unimaginable distress: loss, sacrifice, hunger, human atrocity, and an exceptional scarcity of basic needs.
Resettlement histories are the ballads of a conflicted mankind, and testimonies of human migration are rarely uncomplicated. Rather, they are elaborate, winding, uncomfortable testaments to the greatness of character and spirit.
A very small percentage of those roads lead directly into our classrooms.” – The Newcomer Student: An educator’s Guide to Aid Transition, Louise El Yaafouri, (Kreuzer)
Let’s explore refugee resettlement from three stages: International, National and Local. We’ll begin with the international piece. This is where refugee identification and pre-resettlement considerations begin.
The path to resettlement is complex and extensive. Ultimately, it is the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, or UNHCR, who is responsible for determining eligibility for refugee status. UNHCR agents are positioned in various international regions with the central purpose of screening, interviewing, and preparing candidates for asylum. Generally, whole families are referred at once. Incredibly, less than one percent of the world’s refugees will be referred for facilitated resettlement.
In making referrals for refugee status, the United Nations ensures four critical checkpoints. A person must:
· Experience a well-founded fear of persecution.
· Be outside of the country of nationality.
· Be unable to access protection from the home country
· Not be a national of another country.
Once Refugee Status has been established, the UNHCR considers three durable solutions:
1. Voluntary repatriation back into country of origination
2. Localized integration into a neighboring country
3. Resettlement to an agreeing third party country.
From The Newcomer Student:
“In considering possible outcomes for displaced persons, voluntary repatriation into the country of origin is always the primary objective. In situations where this is not an immediate or long-term possibility, localized resettlement options will be considered. When this occurs, the temporary host country (typically the refugee camp sponsor of the displaced persons) will agree to absorb its refugee-status guests into its own country as free-moving individuals with national rights.
Localized resettlement (or local integration) countries are generally proximal to the zone of distress. Frequently, receiving countries are similarly affected by turmoil and instability, even while the circumstances of distress may differ. Therefore, it is not uncommon for nations in war-torn regions of the world to “flip-flop” their national citizens; as people leave one country to seek safety in another, others may be seeking haven from persecution in the reverse direction.
Third-party resettlement is the least desirable and least attempted solution. Only a minuscule fraction of the world’s refugees will become eligible for relocation to a third-party host nation. A few make it through.
They become our students.”
American Immigration Council (2013). Located at americanimmgrationcouncil.org. Retrieved Oct. 2012.
Russell, Sharon Stanton (2002). Refugees: Risks and Challenges Worldwide. Migration Policy Institute, 1946–4037.
Hamilton, Richards & Moore, Dennis (2004). Education of Refugee Children: Documenting and Implementing Change. In Educational Interventions for Refugee Children, eds Richard Hamilton & Dennis Moore, London UK: RoutledgeFalmer, Chapter 8.
McBrien,J.Lynn(2003).A Second Chance for Refugee Students. Educational Leadership, Vol. 61, No. 2, 76–9 O. Educational Needs and Barriers for Refugee Students in the United States: A Review of Literature. Review of Educational Research Vol. 75, No. 3, 329–64.
United Nations, High Commissioner for Refugees (2012). United Nations Communications and Public Information Service, Geneva, Switzerland. Located at unhcr.org. Retrieved Aug. 2015.
Patrick, Erin (2004). The U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program. Migration Policy Institute, Washington, D.C. Located at migrationpolicy.org/article/us-refugee- resettlement-program. Retrieved Aug. 2015.
United Nations Convention related to the Status of Refugees (1951). UN Article 1. Located at unhcr.org. Retrieved June 2011.
International Refugee Committee (2015). SOAR, New York. Located at rescue. org. Retrieved Aug. 2015.
Van Hahn, Nguyen (2002). Annual Report to Congress- Executive Summary. Office of Refugee Resettlement. Located at acf.hhs.gov. Retrieved Dec. 2010.
Edwards, James R. Jr. (2012). Religious Agencies and Refugee Resettlement. Center for Immigration Studies. Memorandum, March 2012.
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (2012). United Nations Communications and Public Information Service, Geneva, Switzerland. Located at unhcr.org. Retrieved Aug. 2015.
U.S. Committee for Refugees & Immigrants (USCRI) (2015). Arlington, Va., refugees.org. Retrieved Aug. 2015.
U.S. Committee for Refugees & Immigrants (USCRI) (2015). Arlington, Va., refugees.org. Retrieved Aug. 2015.
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) (2013). Path to Citizenship. Located at uscis.gov. Retrieved Aug. 2015.
U.S. Committee for Refugees & Immigrants (USCRI) (2015). Arlington, Va. Located at refugees.org. Retrieved Aug. 2015.
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) (2013). Path to Citizenship. Located at uscis.gov. Retrieved Aug. 2014.