Module 3
Activity 1
UDL does not explicitly cater to the needs of new-to-English learners. However, there’s certainly overlap. After all, both UDL and best practices in multilingual education are focused on minimizing barriers in the curriculum so that all students can thrive.
Further, we can use our Multilingual Instructor lens to consider barriers in the curriculum that are not explicitly stated in the UDL Guidelines. To do this, we draw from our knowledge of sheltered instruction, culturally responsive and relevant programming, trauma informed care and intersectionality.
In this activity, you’ll work to recognize existing overlap between CAST’s UDL Guidelines and our multidimensional approach to ML instruction (4-part Venn diagram.
Here’s what you’ll do:
Watch the video and explore the models/examples in this section.
Choose one of the three UDL Principles to explore from the CAST UDL Guidelines (Engagement, Representation, Action + Expression). Within your chosen section, choose one of the three categories for a deep dive (Access, Build, Internalize).
Identify overlap (CRP + TIP + SIOP) ...and record on the triple/quad Venn Diagram, if helpful
Example: Checkpoint 6.2 supports planning and strategy development. How does executive functioning tie into trauma-responsive care? What TIP approaches can be widely applied that could benefit all students as they build up planning and support capacities?
Example: Checkpoint 2.1 focuses on clarifying vocabulary and symbols. Each of the five examples is also a best practice in Sheltered Instruction. Additionally, in the ML context, symbols may also be tied to learning about a new place and to body language/gestures.
Think + Respond: What are you already doing to minimize barriers? How could you be more intentional in this process?
Activity 2
Let’s explore exemplar lesson plans, as provided by CAST. As we visit these lesson plans, we’ll identify UDL practices at play. We’ll also apply our Multilingual Instructor’s lens to these- scanning for barriers that might be unique to our ML populations and thinking of strategies that can be applied at the outset to increase access for these learners. Of course, as the principles of UDL remind us, designs that are created with those in the margins in mind often end up serving many or all.
1. Visit the site and choose one of the lessons to explore. Click Model UDL Lesson Plans >>> VIEW. (
2. Click through to review the lesson and explore UDL Connections. Even better...try to determine what those connections are, then use the UDL connections to check.
3. Go back to the beginning of the lesson plan and re-scan. Anticipate barriers with your own MLs and/or newcomers in mind.
4. Problem-solve for additional universal design elements. What could you add to this plan/adjust within the plan to increase access for MLs at the outset (proactively vs reactively)?